Date Room: Nigerian scammer on

Jumat, 07 Agustus 2009

Nigerian scammer on

Another victim story sent to us from

I am a 52 year old woman who lives in Nebraska. After many many years of not dating and wondering if I would ever find "the man of my dreams", I was contacted by someone off of the dating site "" He claimed his name was Carl J Koestner and he was working over in Nigeria in an orphanage, because that is what he does in his hometown of Louisville, KY and he saw that they needed volunteers and deceided to go and help.

We started talking in Jan of 09. After one month the dears, and babes started coming. And after 2 months the I love yous were all over the place. I was promised the love of a lifetime, even had pictures of him and his "son" that showed me a very handsome man, who professed to love me and only me and promised me a lifetime of happiness. All the words that he sent were supposedly straight from his heart.

And this guy was good. Never once did I suspect anything. He even gave me his address in Louisville, and I looked his name up on People Find. Which I did find a Carl K. In Louisville. Then after 2 months the requestes starting coming. "Honey, I gave my money to the flight agent and saw that the prices of tickets had gone up and I am short 900 dollars." Can you help me out? And then the story about the flight agent who stole all of his money and the 400 I has sent and ran off. And even though I kept telling him to go to the consult because that is what they are there for, all I would get in return is "They will not help me. They say they will come and see me at the hotel, but no one has shown up" So still believing that this man, is my true love, I opened and acct. so that he could have the orphange in KY wire his money to it and I could then W. Union the money to him, so he could buy his ticket and "come home to me"

1 hour after pulling the money from the acct, my bank put a freeze on the account. After calling them, they told me that the money that was sent was "unauthorized' Came from another bank, but it was not given permission to do so. So now I have to pay back 1850.00 to someone who probably also got scammed. I consider myself a pretty astute person, and never would have thought that "I" could have gotten myself into this situation, but I did. And I want everyone to know that any Internet Dating Service is a very cautious place to be.

I am sure that there are honest guys out there,but never again will I go on any sight, just to find a date. I would rather be single the rest of my life than go through this again...But I am more aware now and have no on to blame but myself. Want to know how good these guys are? If you ask for information pertaining to their jobs, hometown, and such and you go and find all of that, by internet, why should you disbelieve? Of course there is a Carl Koestner that lives at this address in L. KY. And of course therr is an orphanage by this name in L. KY. And of course the address and Orphanage name he gave me in Nigeria is where it is.....And the photos he sent me are of a handsome man with his son, but not something that you normally read. They were not pictures of models. Just an everyday guy.

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