Date Room: Robin Scott aka Robin Scammer or Scammer Scott

Minggu, 25 Oktober 2009

Robin Scott aka Robin Scammer or Scammer Scott

Tuesday, October 13, 2009 10:09:27 PM

Hi Angel, How're you doing. ...

Hi Angel, How're you doing. I'm Robn,46yrs, and am divorced, I have a kid and live with me, Your profile make me wrote you and i think i need a good looking woman like you to love me for who i am,,I would love to have a nice chat with you so as to know you better,


Hello, How're you doing? I'm cool and am very Happy to hear from you, I want you to know that am very Honest someone and hate when someone is not being honest with me,

I am sweet, thoughtful, kind, and have a great sense of humor. I am very easy going and laid back. I am often told that I am very easy to talk with. I am not an angry
person, and I am not interested in someone that is. Having past events shape your life is one thing, carrying the past as a burden that sits heavily upon your shoulders
is not the way I view life. I am happy with myself, and my life, and I like to think it shows. I have a wonderful Son. I would do best with someone that isn't extremely
uptight, unless of course you are willing to learn to let things go! I love to try new things, and can laugh at myself when I fail miserably. I don't give up easily, and have
so many things I've yet to try. Please love to laugh and have fun, what is better than laughing so hard your stomach hurts?
I was born in Germany dad died when i was 6years old, my mom was from the UK so she had to take me there, I grew up in the UK spent almost all my life there,
and i just came back to the state 7years ago after i lost my mom,So i decided to complete the building that my father was building before he died cos he told me
about his land in Calif,Los angeles..And since when i complete it, i have decided to live there all my Life time.. I'm the only child of my parents.and they so much love
me and care for me and give me anything i deman for but death took them away when i was Thinking that i will Enjoy the rest of my life with them while i have that
special someone for me, David is all i have now and i really want a woman who will love and also take care of him like he were her own son!
I was married for 9years and i found out that my wife was cheating on me with a very good friend of mine, and she does all kind of dirty stuffs - drinks until she gets
drunk - smokes alot - and i found out that she also does drugs as well, i have been divorced now for 4years, after we got divorced my ex ran away with my friend
and she haven't been coming to visit her own son. All this made me not to keep friends and have trusting issues.

I would like someone that will love and respect me for who I am, that likes to hold my hand and surprise me with a little kiss when I least expect it,or give me a wink
from across the room to let me know she's thinking about me or give me a call just to let me know she's thinking about me... Because I will be doing the same..
I want to love a woman for who she is, to spoil her, and love her, and let her know just how much she means to me, by the little things I do or say to make her feel
special. while at the same time she treats me in the same way with love and respect. I'm really looking for Someone Honest, Caring, Romantic, Kind, Posses Great
Sense of Humor, Loyal, Affectionate, Passionate, Understanding, Intelligent, Respectful and Trust Worthy...
I think I have to stop here, I just have to let you know that there is nothing far better than having that special someone, Being there for a lovely and a good looking woman like you is all i want to make me continue living life ahead cos there is nothing far better than having that special someone,
I would love to have a nice chat with you so as to get to know all that would make you feel better and special, so i will be waiting to talk to you, and would love you to come online so we can chat as have dded you here.
Hugs and Kiss


I will be looking on to hear from you, I can't wait to herar from you, and if you would love to call me and hear me 0112347041313412

HERE HIS MONEY LETTER! WHICH HE SENT AT October 20, 2009, 10:37 PM How are you baby,How as your day been,Honey i have been busy since morning trying to make my flight booked and some other stuffs but unluckly for me i could not have the flight booking done today due to the low funds i have got with me ,Please baby can you help me with little funds and i shall pay you back when i get in the state .

I wil be glad if you can help me with some money so that i can foot the hotel bills and then get my flight ticket and moreso i don't mine paying you with an interest .Let me know your mind.I need the sum of $1000.

I hope your day as been nice as i can't wait too to hold your hands and hug you with a wondeerful dream come true KISSES.

Hug and kiss

HERE IS HIS SECOND MONEY LETTER Wednesday, October 21, 2009, 8:59 AM
Goodmorning My Love,
I bet you had a good night rest and moreso you did dreamt of me innit ? I dreamt about us and that when i got down the plane immediately i saw you and i heard the voice which says'' THIS IS THE BONE OF MY BONE ,FLESH OF MY FLESH,IN HER I SEE MY JOY'' . Then i run to hold you and you are also coming to hold me too when we held eeach other i hugd you with a kiss 5mint longlasting KISS people were looking at us and they were so happy for us . Baby i can't wait for this dream to come true .
Honey i spend alot of money here and let me tell you something i lost my wallet in it i have my ATM and Credit this reder me broke with no $$$..

Honey i will pay you back i promise you immediately i resolve the whole thing,You can get the money across to me via WESTERN UNION MONEY TRANSFER i bet you most have about but this outlet .
Here is my information you would be needing to send the money too
NAME: Robin Scott
ADDRESS: 15, hope well Avn
Lagos,Nigeria ,23401.
Use this code to have the money send .
Question: Whats my name
Answer: Dorothy
Please do get back to me with this information after you have the money send .
MTCN control number
Amount send
Sender's Full name
Contact Address
Thanks very much my love and i am looking forward to meeting with you .Please have it send today so i can have my flight book in no time .
Hug and Kiss


Honey i was robbed on the way back to the hotel i lodged,On monday and i have been living on credit in both the hotel accommodation and the feeding .So it is high time for me to pay for those bills and mind you i wouldn't have asked you for any assistance if i had my contact address book with me , Everything was taking away by those thife's ( Wallet , Contact address booking , VCard ) they are all in one beg which i use to carry along with me when ever i go outting for development ,And you are the only option i have right about now becaus i have lost everything i have with me and right now i am in need so that has been the reason why i have to ask you for help to foot my bills and has time goes on i shall pay you back even with interest.....
Baby help me with $1,500.00 Please . The information where you would be sending the money to i have it sent to you yesterday i bet you saw it please asist me .
Hug and Kiss

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