Date Room: Russian Scammer from Mate1 Strikes Again

Russian Scammer from Mate1 Strikes Again

After 3 weeks of no contact from the Russian girl on Mate1, our reader received THIS email from her, asking for guess what??? MONEY! for her mothers HEART surgery?!?!?!?!

I write you this letter and crying. The matter is that I had an awful grief. My mum had 2 days ago a heart attack. I at all
do not know, why it has occurred. It seems to me, that I am guilty in it. The matter is that she very much worried about me, that I cannot
arrange the private life. Now my mum is in a critical condition. Surgery which costs approximately 10 thousand roubles is urgently
necessary to my mum. It is approximately 350 dollars. For me it not simply big, but the huge sum. At my salary in 2 000 roubles a month.
From me all my friends have turned away. For me the life has turned simply to a hell. I understand you that you are surprised, why I
address to you. But I have nobody to address more. All my friends when this grief has happened to me, have turned away from me. Yes they
probably too can be understood. After all they too have no such big sum. My darling, I can rely only on
you, but more I have nobody to go. You know me more because everything, that I wrote to you about myself. Please, help me
if can. Perhaps someone from your friends can help me. I will necessarily return then money, but not at once. I ask you help me and
I will make for you everything, everything. This surgery on heart is very dangerous. That it to make, highly skilled experts from Moscow
with the special equipment and materials are necessary. In our republics naturally there are no such experts. To me have told in
hospital that can help me. But the big sum of money is for this purpose necessary. It is necessary, that to us in a city there has
quickly arrived a command of highly skilled experts with the equipment. My darling if you can really give me this money please
help me.

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