Date Room: Nigerian Scammer Ronald David Caught on Facebook and Myspace

Selasa, 07 Desember 2010

Nigerian Scammer Ronald David Caught on Facebook and Myspace


I would like to add another name to your list. His name is Ronald David and he claims that he is from Marietta, Georgia. He messaged me on, and asked to be my friend. I looked him up and then just ignored the email. The pictu
re that he posts is of a hot model type, and he uses the same picture on under the same name, but on he claims that he is from Clarkson, KY. He was a member of myspace since 2006.

Ronald claims that he is a widow, and has an 8 yr old son named Jerry, and that the grandmother, (Ron's mother) takes care of him. his job is in concstruction and he calls himself a "construction engineer". He left for Nigeria, Africa on November 30, 2010 to perform services for a "friend" contractor, and he was worried that the African civilization would not have banking services to pay him. He was leary of taking a check for payment, but went anyways, knowing that his comrad would see him accommidated. He went 4 days without contacting me, and just this past Friday, late at night, I received an email via yahoo messenger. His screen name is good2beloved5504me on Yahoo, having the same email. He asked if I could "borrow" him $50 for safe food, as I had told him not to drink the water in Africa when we talked and he told me he was going. He then added that things were expensive and that he needed money. I am not a wealthy person and I live pay day to pay day myself, I refused to send money. He quickly signed off. I had the feeling of a scam when he repeatedly told me he was in love and wanted a Mom for his son, and I am sure that all this is true if he even has a son! But I am not taking his bait. I have deleted him and have blocked him from all my lists, and I would like for others to know this name so they will not be submitted to the scam. As of last night, he asked for me to help his friend make a profile on, and I assured him that those women were gold diggers and whores, maybe he will not try to scam others by this comment! maybe if someone sees this they will take notice and be aware.
After visiting your site, I am sure he may be in the 219 ring and is using another form of communication to meet victims.
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