Date Room

Rabu, 16 Februari 2011

Dear Friend in Christ,

Calvary greetings in Jesus name. I pray that this message meet you well in Christ. Hope you are not surprised at this message. The Lord led me to have your email and I know there is a purpose for this, He would bless you.

I am writing you from Edo, Nigeria. By His grace I am a Christian watched by His blood and serving our Lord Jesus Christ. I am not perfect in any way but strive unto perfection. I am blessed with a wife and three children with five grand children. We fellowship in a small community church with about 40 members. Our church do not belong or affiliate to any church. We do not believe indenomination but simply follow Christ. I teach in the adult Sunday class. We are blessed with a devoted young pastor. My youngest son is reading medicine in the

university and it is really a big financial thing for us but thank God He is leading the way despite of all challenges. I was a primary school teacher before I lost my job in January. I now do some little farming to sustain the small family.

Now unto why I wrote. Bibles are not easy to come by where I live because they are imported for sale here. Me and my wife own a very old tiny print bible. We need bibles with super giant print. We need your help for bibles with super giant print King James Version. We use other versions in our church but the KJV

is what we use mostly but if there are other versions send them. I am appealing that you send us 2 super giant print bibles in English language. Used

ones with

complete bible pages would be appreciated if you do not have new ones.

Also six

aged mothers who newly joined our church need bibles in super giant print. My

request in total is for 8 super giant print bibles which could be used

ones. My

postal address is 124 Esando Road, GPO-3023 Niposti, Benin City, Edo State,

Nigeria. If you send them through post office EMS that is post office currier,

it is safer and faster without charge or send them through post office

registered or insured mail, we will receive them without charge, also

but this I

was told is not fast. The currier companies here like DHL and Fed ex would

charge to receive things. Bibles are needed in English Language as English is

our official language here spoken and understood by almost every one. I will

write you when I get the bibles and please you can add a prayer

request. We may

have nothing else to offer but as we pray God will intervene in whatever

challenges you may have there. Please pray for the challenges in our country

especially for the poor and hungry. It is always very hard for the

very poor but

we have to trust that God is allowing what must happen so that men

will seek Him.

Also we would pray His blessings for you. And mark it that as you fulfil this

need, God would fulfil a need in your life and do send a prayer need if any.

Matthew 18:19 Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on

earth as

touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father

which is in heaven. Please let us know of those challenges you have. A brother

who recently joined our church almost a year now had much challenges. Lost his

job and he has been married with his wife for six years no children.

We started

praying and in less than two months they came the wife took in and just gave

birth to twin babies few days ago while the man got his job seven months ago.

There is power in prayer but there is much power in prayer of agreement.

Ephesians 3:20, 21 "Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above

all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us,

21-Unto him

be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end.

Amen. God bless you.

Ilawe Izekor

89 Imaguero Road, GPO-3023

Niposti, Benin City, Edo State,


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