Date Room: David Cuthbertson - Nigerian Scammer

David Cuthbertson - Nigerian Scammer

This letter was sent to us by a reader who wanted to warn others. Here is her email:
just signed up for and it didn't take long for this jerk to contact me! I am copying the emails he sent. Most of our communication was done through IM and he didn't answer most of my direct questions. There were some inconsistencies in his stories, which is when I decided to do a little Google-ing. We never got to the point where he asked me for money, which is pretty funny anyway because I am broke in a Big Way!

I will also attach the photos he sent. He claimed he bought the Bentley in the photo in England and went to Dubai to buy another car. His yahoo IM photo is of him in a white tee shirt standing in front of his Hummer. He likes four wheeling and riding dirt bikes; he works somehow with horses but was not specific; he plays video games; he will relocate to anywhere to be with the woman he loves. He said he has an eight year old son named Max. He asked (twice) if I kissed on the first date; he didn't ask much about my background or family. Unfortunately, I sent him photos which will probably be used to scam someone else.

He sent me his phone number but said he feels nervous because of his accent. First he told me his mom took him to Napoli, Italy for five years when he was seven years old because she wanted him to have an accent; today he said he was there for 20 years.
His username on the site is :
rider_horse 5671
His name is supposedly David Cuthbertson.
Here is his email:

I am a 50yr old single, I love life, and enjoy the life I live. I am caring, affectionate, and love to spend my time helping others, and making them smile.. I am looking for a honest woman who deserves to be loved and cared for, and who can love and care for another.. Affectionate
I am, and I love it when returned. Honesty is very important to me, and giving is something I love to do. I feel two people should be able to communicate and share good things as well as bad... God is a very important aspect in my life, and my faith is very important to me.

I have been blessed in so many ways, and have been given much love to share with another. I believe there is one person for everyone, and when two people find each other and feel good together, nothing can stop them from being together forever. I believe a relationship should be 50/50. Sharing and caring and also respect for the each other. Life is too short to play games, there are very few men and women in this world that know the difference between the things they desire and the things they need in a life-long partner/partnership. Think about it. I love to travel There's nothing better than a good movie-especially (most!) Comedy- (or those happy ending films too:).. I have a wide range of menu.

Warm fires and warm hearts. Laughter & tears are my favorite emotions. I am just looking for a normal relationship, with no surprises... Be honest with me and I will always be honest with you... Respect me and I will respect you... I love romance, and I want the woman I am with to look at me and see her future with me... I want her to long for me, and I want to be in a place of refreshment with her.... I want to be her friend, companion, and lover and fill her life with joy and happiness, and make our dreams come true together. I will tell you more about me and send you pics.. I have added your email address to messenger chat, hope to chat with you soon...

Hello Dear,

Thanks for your email i a glad i got email from you... You sound like a lady i have been searching for all the rest of my life you seem too good to be true but i believe God knows...Well let me tell you more about me i am very much interested in getting to know you... I was born in Texas, Elpaso, was taken to Napoli Italy with my mom when i was 7 years old, long story but i do not mind tell you because i am very much interested in knowing all about you,when i was 7 year my mom decided to take me back to Italy so i can grow up and have accent and my Dad agreed to that, 5 years later came back to the united states.

I was married to my late wife for over 22 years... She loving, caring and with a great sense of humor, we discuss about things and use employ each other opinion, decision, Advice and motive on our daily life, Love is like swallowing hot chocolate before it has cooled off. It takes you by surprise at first, but keeps you warm for a long time. Most of the ladies on are not looking True Love all they needed is One Night Stand and i am not into that king of game i am looking for true love someone i will spend all the rest of my life with and you seem to be the one i believe time tell us right ,... am an easy going person and easy to get along with.I am a gentleman at all times and I respect the person I am with. I am looking for a soul mate that we are all looking for. A woman with a great sense of humor like You... You could also say My Special Angel.One of my questions is can you handle kindness? Kindness comes from the heart and most people treat kindness as weakness. So if you are looking for a kind person then you need not look any further. I am looking for a commitment. No head games please.So if my Angel is out their you can come to me.and i also believe Nothing good comes easy except by handwork.

Am very Romantic person... i give all i can do to make a lady to be happy for the rest of her life... i will always make her happy wont hurt her... i will never lie to her...i will be 100% honest and sincere to her but i will like her to do the same for me...i don't want to get divorce or separation, because i will get hurt more and more and that will make me to not love any lady again, but i know one day i will find my sweetest love ever...Actually understanding matters a lot and trust is another thing that goes along with a good relationship and friendship. If you can give me your trust, am sure we can be friends without hurting each other.Although relationship is just like a perfume of which certain amount may delight you but too much of it can turn you off... i want you to be there for me if am not in happy mood to carry me on i can assure you... you will be the happiest lady on earth.Though miles may lie between us, we're never far apart, for friendship doesn't count the miles, it's measured by the heart.No distance of place or lapse of time can lessen the friendship of those who are thoroughly persuaded of each others guess a little about me will be glad to receive more response from you, be safe and take good care yourself until then stay safe.Later

God Bless You... Later
Are You God Sent????
P:S . I am putting together list of Question for you.

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