Date Room: David Taylor - Nigerian Scammer

David Taylor - Nigerian Scammer

Here is an email sent in by a reader warning others of David Taylor. Here is the email:

This is an email from a David Taylor from a dating web site who said he was from my home town. I have proved he doesn't live at the address he gave me.
Thank you for responding back to my e-mail. About me, okay where do i begin, Well i am new at this online dating thing, so please forgive me if i have provided too much information about my life and childhood. I am a widower, been widowed for 6yrs now. I still miss her but she's in a good place now. I am 5.9 175cm, 185lbs (84kg) Black Hair, Brown Eyes, Hobbies: Fishing, Camping, Gardening, Card/Board Games, Swimming, Ice Skating, Music, Art & Science. I enjoy a lot of sports Football, Basketball, Golf, Hiking, Scuba Driving, Fishing, Swimming, Rugby & Camping. I a quite athletic, enjoy going to the movies, listening to music. I like writing, reading and also playing cards & board games. Music, Soul, R&B, Classics, Country, Soft Rock. Movies (Documentary, Action, Adventure, Drama, Old Movies & Comedy I worked with a Private Construction company for a very longtime, close to 20years and now i have started my own company which is gradually growing, although we are about 6months official and i have my own clients and agency appointing contract and projects for me. My field is basically in Special Designing & Supervising of Road, Rail, Bridge, Water Dam, Building and Drainage construction and sometimes Electricity Power Stations, sometimes it involves me moving around sometimes but i haven't been doing a lot of that recently, since doing my own thing i have to make sure everything is in order and also keep new clients updated on projects that has been awarded and also it always majorly field work so now i'm an Entrepreneur which who owns a business based on Construction, to be specific I am a Construction Contractor/Consultant & Engineer. I work my own hours and very flexible and hard working. My job mainly involves working with clients handling agencies now. I would also say i am someone who is bright, positive, understanding, kind, caring, grounded with a nice smile, good listener, affectionate and wonderful companion, I also don't look my age as i have been told. I grew up almost everywhere because my father served in the army and also lived in Ireland for some years, also in 4 different cities,3 before i got married and finally settled down in Adelaide after my wife died. I'm Irish descendant, I even have some relatives back at Ireland. My Father was a proud Irish man while my mother was Australian. I am a Christian and i attend church once a week and i believe in God. Your Spirituality, Belief or Religion doesn't matter to me, like i said i have am open minded. I was born and raised a christian and it has always been a major part of me. Catholic to be precise, my beliefs are, Family, God & everything else.
I have daughter, who's 27yrs old, born deaf.. but she had a very good education, in fact she went to normal high school and everything. She teaches sign language part-time now at a local school around, we're planning on enrolling her into college to get her teaching degree and start her own life properly. Oh, I've mention she's deaf, was born that way and she is the apple of my eyes, all my life is for her and to make sure she has a very easy and wonderful life. We are also checking for hearing aids/plugs, she should be be able to qualify for an implant in a couple of weeks. I was married for 26yrs and it was a very pleasant, bumpy, loving and most of all i am proud to say blissful marriage and i still miss her very much. My late wife had Breast Cancer,stage 3 but she died in a Car Crash, she was the victim. She used to be a teacher too and also a principal, also i have been widowed for 6yrs now. Wow! I really have said a lot about my life, i usually don't talk or write this much about myself to anyone. I am hoping you are someone who is growth oriented,trust worthy and sincere, personal, anyway, that's it about what i do and me. I hope i find the right person that can connect with me and i can find honest and true happiness with, although all those have been pressures into dating someone and also finding the love of my life and the queen of my heart. I have been alone too long to try and not planning to make any odd assumptions of finding the right one or fool around with people online, that's why i tend to start by getting to know you more and also understanding each other and hopefully, something beautiful would happen from there. I am interested in getting to know more about you, Your Past relationship? How long you've been single? What kind of man and relationship you want???
I have dated before, it just wasn't towards what i had hoped for, that is why i have to be sure and certain i am doing the right thing, because it didn't turned out as much as i had hoped for.. I am looking forward to getting to know you, up close and personal, i mean getting to know more of you and establishing a good friendship and hopefully grow into something more beautiful. I hope this does not scare you away, basically that's the most about me i can think of for now and you will probably know more when we continue exchanging e-mails, now its your turn to tell me about yourself. You can ask me any questions if you would like to know more about me alright. I also attached some pictures hope you like them.
Waiting to read back from you soon.
David Taylor.

PS: My Full name is David (J W) Jeremiah Walker Taylor. Walker's my mother's maiden name, so its part of my name. I would like to talk to you more often, so maybe we can chat sometime on Yahoo Messenger, you can add my email address.

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