Date Room: One smart lady who didn't get scammed

One smart lady who didn't get scammed

Sometimes you can outscam the scammers, if you know what to look for, like this sharp lady did. Good thing she was so on her toes!

This past July 12th, I received the most beautiful e-mail on the dating site SeniorPeopleMeet from a man calling himself Thomas Park. He said that I was an angel on earth and if I didn't reply to his "humble" e-mail that he would understand. Why should I respond to someone such as he. . . His picture was gorgeous--dark hair with piercing blue eyes and an oh so sexy smile. He asked me to e-mail him at Thomas

We e-mailed back and forth for about four or five days. His language was over the top romantic baloney. I was a little bit suspicious but a couple of my friends who had dated Latin men (he claims to have been raised by an aunt in Madrid) said this is the way they express themselves.

This is his story--in case any of you out there fall prey to this man:
Thomas Park was born in Texas and at the age of four his parents died in a fatal car crash. He was raised with his cousins by an aunt and uncle in Madrid. He holds a master's degree in business technology from Oxford.
He moved to the United States twenty-two years ago because his wife was American. She died in childbirth eight years ago, along with the child.

Thomas said he worked for the Huron Consulting Group in Chicago IL as an information technology consultant. He says has no friends--just co-workers. They operate in different worlds (yeah right!) So he spends holidays in Paris or Hawaii or he travels to Madrid quite frequently to visit his aunt.
His best friend is God and he said our relationship would progress in God's timing. He has no trouble finding women but he wants a woman of quality and said that I was his choice.

I finally asked him to phone me as I the number he gave me always went to voice mail. He did call but we spoke only briefly as the phone was constantly "breaking up." His heavy accent gave him away--he is NO Oxford man!! I could barely understand his broken English. Well, his e-mails intensified after that call (as mine pulled back and cooled down) and I became alarmed so I contacted my local police. They advised me to break it off (nicely) with this guy and I tried to do so. I didn't like hearing "we will be together forever" after one week of e-mailing!!

Well, after he asked me for money, I told him the jig was up and he replied by calling me a player and a liar. I haven't heard from him since. Let's hope it stays that way!

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