Date Room: Ben Ford - Nigerian Scammer

Ben Ford - Nigerian Scammer

We received the following email from a reader who recognized a con artist/scammer before it could go any further. She found the photos he was using of himself on an online Italian magazine story. This is what our reader wrote:
He was instant messaging (IM), he asked for my email saying he was having issues with his IM at the dating site (which duh I gave, not sure if he can do anything with it). He kept asking the same question... what did I consider romantic? what did I think of the dating site? "how beautiful I was" messages were mostly questions, asking for my full name, where I lived, what type of work I did, and their stories are always the same: they are single dads, living with a child they adore at home, and they think "I" am so perfect... I started asking him questions about exact location where he lived, his favorite restaurant in the area, and he kept ignoring, and asking the question back at me. Then I made up the name "blue room" said it was my favorite place and asked him if he liked it, he said he loved it, I click disconnect, and therefore did not continue for him to ask for money, but I am pretty sure if I continue the communication game, he will. If that helps get them off the crook biz of taking advantage of women, I'll do it
Here is his first email:
From: Bend Ford <>
To: X
Sent: Sunday, November 13, 2011 11:22 PM
Subject: My Pics and More about me..

Hello How are you doing Am Ben 48 Years old ,From California , I feel I'm pretty laid back & have a really good sense of humor. I have lots of interests & can carry on a conversation with just about anyone. I'm very creative. Kind of hard to explain, but I love it & it keeps me occupied! I don't drink, smoke or do drugs. I'm a Christian & like to sing. I'm not a needy, clingy person, but at the same time I can be very affectionate & loving. I am comfortable in a crowd, but enjoy quiet times as well. I am said to have a great sense of humor and love to make people laugh. I am generally a happy person and once you become my friend it's a lifetime commitment to me. I would love to be in love but am not needy nor desperate.Friendship is the foundation and if love was meant to be, then it will. Am confident and satisfied with the life I have made for myself. Am not looking for anyone to change me but to accept me for who I am. I love to be romanced and to me the little things in life are very important. A card, flowers, an I love you call, holding hands and just those things that let me know that I am important to you. I love to be pampered and I love to pamper my Woman. What you see is what you get. No pretense, no show. I am proud to be a true man .what am searching for someone who is loving and kind, intelligent and adventurous. she will be my best friend, my lover and my partner. she must know how to laugh at life's absurdities and find the humor in things. ...i will be 100% honest and sincere to her but i will like her to do the same for me.i dont want to get divorced/widowed or allow what have happened to me in the past run my chance of happiness...because i will get hurt more and more.....But i know one day i will find my sweetest love ever...Actually understanding matters alot and trust is another thing that goes along with a good relationship and friendship.If you can give me your trust, am sure we can be friends without hurting each other.Although relationship is just like a perfume of which certain amount may delight you, but too much of it can turn you off...i want you to be there for me if am not in happy mood to carry me on i can assure will be the happiest lady on earth.Though miles may lie between us, we're never far apart, for friendship doesn't count the miles, it's measured by the heart.No distance of place or lapse of time can lessen the friendship of those who are thoroughly persuaded of each others worth,also say My Special Angel.One of my questions is can you handle kindness?K kindness comes from the heart and most people treat kindness as weakness.So if you are looking for a kind person then you need not look any further.I am looking for a commitment.No head games please.So if my Angel is out their you can come to me.and i also believe Nothing good comes easy except by hard work.Hey guess a little about me will be glad to receive a response from you... Ben..

PS. The reader who submitted this info is going to "toy" with "Ben" and see when he asks her for money. Will post further details as we get them. Thanks so much to the lady who submitted this, and to all of you that submit your stories to us to help others from being scammed.

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